23 January 2024
Dubai Government is strategically pursuing digital transformation as an enabler across economic, social, and environmental sectors. In this context, digital skills have become a significant factor in the rapid progress witnessed by the Emirate of Dubai. Dubai Digital Authority has initiated the Dubai Digital Skills Study to assess the availability and demand for digital skills, identify gaps, understand methods for skills development and talent cultivation, and connect these aspects to digital skills gaps in both the public and private sectors. This report provides a concise analysis pertaining to various areas of digital skills, current needs, and future digital skills anticipated by the sector for recruitment in the coming years. Additionally, it measures employers' confidence in existing digital skills for the success of their organizations. The report identifies the mechanisms utilized by these institutions for boosting digital skills, techniques for employee skills development, recruitment methods, and vacancies related to targeted digital skills. It also identifies the prominent recruitment challenges faced by both the public and private sectors in attracting individuals with digital skills. Furthermore, the report predicts the future demand for digital skills in the Emirate of Dubai